Ōsaka and Kōbe (大阪市と神戸市)

My affinity for Japan started when I was just a kid. The area in which I grew up was home to the oldest Japanese community in Canada, so I was exposed to the culture from a very young age through various cultural events and through the great number of classmates and eventual family members that … More Ōsaka and Kōbe (大阪市と神戸市)

London Calling

As the next attempt at my catch-up posting from past travels, I thought I’d go with London from my Chinese New Year trip in 2018. I love London.  Looking past all the recent issues with Brexit and various other problems the UK has been dealing with, London continues to be a brilliant city.  Like other … More London Calling

Gracias, Madrid

Well, with all this staying at home, it’s a good time to head back through the archives in order to post on the trips I had been on after my Copenhagen trip, oh so long ago. Let’s start off with Madrid.  Madrid es muy interesante  (Madrid is very interesting.).  Yep, since my trip to Spain … More Gracias, Madrid


Chinese New Year was quite early this year – end of January – so I thought it would be a good opportunity to get some cooler weather in and revisit Amsterdam.  Being that I had a bit of extra time this trip, I planned on hitting up Rotterdam and Den Haag as well.  I missed … More Amster~damn

I miss Polaroid

I do.  I really miss the proper, original Polaroid 669 and 665 (colour and B&W, respectively) peel-apart film.  The likes of Impossible Project (or whatever they’re calling themselves now) have done an admirable job of trying to resurrect instant film but they’re still much more finicky and you just can’t do the same type of … More I miss Polaroid

Cool Copenhagen  コペンハーゲンかこいい

Copenhagen.  When I told people that I was going to visit at the end of my summer break, most people’s first reaction was “That will be great! I’m so jealous.” quickly followed by, “Isn’t it really expensive?”  Honestly, compared to the rest of Europe, yes I suppose Copenhagen is expensive but people, I was visiting … More Cool Copenhagen  コペンハーゲンかこいい

CNY in Florence  春節でフィレンゼに行って来ます

For the past several years, my Chinese New Year holidays have been spent in Europe as a way of taking advantage of the low-season there and avoiding the high-season chaos in Asia.  This year was no different as I headed off to Florence, Italy – with a day trip by train to nearby Siena thrown … More CNY in Florence  春節でフィレンゼに行って来ます