London Calling

As the next attempt at my catch-up posting from past travels, I thought I’d go with London from my Chinese New Year trip in 2018. I love London.  Looking past all the recent issues with Brexit and various other problems the UK has been dealing with, London continues to be a brilliant city.  Like other … More London Calling

Chinese New Year in London 春節中にロンドンで

Seriously?!  My last post was in November?  That’s a bit ridiculous, isn’t it?  Well, hopefully what I lack in quantity, I at least make amends for in quality. 本当に?最後のポストは11月で更新しましたか。信じられない。 So yeah, the end of Feb. had me spending CNY in the UK, primarily in London but with the odd day trip thrown in.  Last time … More Chinese New Year in London 春節中にロンドンで

London calling (Pt. 2) ロンドン第二

In today’s post, guards changing, horses cantering, a couple of parks, two awesome museums, some neon, an exploded motorcycle (not what you think), a popular square called Raglafart (if you spell it backward)  and a building with the plumbing on the outside.  Some of the things that make London a cool place to be. このポストの中で近衛を取り替えるし馬を駈けるし公園二つだし素晴らし美術館だしニーオンだし分解バイクだし人気がある広場だし外に配管の建物があります。